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Friday, December 9 • 13:25 - 13:45
[LIGHTNING SESSION] Trademark Systems Enable Sustainable Growth on the Internet

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[20-Minute Lightning Session]

Using a modified debate format with hypothetical fact patterns concerning a small online business, this workshop explores whether trademark systems hurt or help emerging economies. The debaters will offer consumer, small business, and large business perspectives, and the moderator will encourage active in-person and online audience participation to ensure consideration of a wide range of views. 
Debate topics will include whether existing trademark systems are sufficient to promote consumer protection on the Internet, foster business growth on the Internet, increase consumer confidence, and give smaller and newer companies protection against large and established companies, whether the overall benefits justify the costs, and whether any of these answers change depending on the geographic region or type of business. By considering an online world without consumer protections, workshop participants will be part of a lively discussion regarding the effects trademarks can have in the development of economies around the world and what changes could further foster inclusive and sustainable growth on the Internet. 

Session Organizers
avatar for Lori Schulman

Lori Schulman

Senior Director, Internet Policy, INTA

Friday December 9, 2016 13:25 - 13:45 CST
Lightning Session Area